Saved searches are an integral part of NetSuite tools and appear in many ways. Understanding saved searches is paramount to being a successful NetSuite administrator or end-user. This post will outline the different use cases you may find yourself interacting with searches and the results they yield.
Use Case #1: List Views
As a user or administrator, when you use global search or your specific center to locate a list of data, you are utilizing a saved search. This is a built-in search that NetSuite provides “out of the box” but a search, nonetheless. Even though this search is available without you creating it, you can still edit the search. This is done by editing the list view, which will be explained through a demonstration in the blog to follow.

Use Case #2: Creating Saved Search from Scratch
Creating a search from scratch is another way NetSuite allows users to custom tailor their accounts to fit their unique business needs. There are multiple ways to complete the creation of a saved search. As with many processes in NetSuite, it pays to plan: collect all the data you will need to complete the creation of the saved search beforehand. Planning first will allow you to work through questions, such as, what role should have access to the search, what the search criteria will be, and what results need to be produced by the search. More details and a walkthrough will be provided in the second blog in this series.

Use Case #3: Publishing the Results of a Saved Search
Leveraging the data in a variety of ways on user dashboards and portlets capitalizes on the use of saved searches. You can publish your results in the way that works best for your business needs. You may want to publish a custom list view, a reminder that hyperlinks to the data you need, or finally in the KPI options available. More information and a walkthrough will be available in the final blog of this series. If you have any query, then connect with our NetSuite experts, they will be happy to help you in every way possible.

Despite the use case that seems most fitting to your current pain point, learning how to edit, create, and publish saved searches is something every user in your account should understand. An understanding of saved searches will improve how you access and utilize the data already being created in your account.
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