Easily Use NetSuite’s fieldChanged Method to Enhance Your Application

by | Jul 13, 2023 | Tech Talk


NetSuite, a leading cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, offers a robust customization framework that allows users to extend and tailor the platform to their specific business needs. One powerful tool in NetSuite’s customization arsenal is client scripting. This enables developers to add custom logic and interactivity to user interfaces. In this blog, we will explore the usage of NetSuite’s fieldChanged Method in NetSuite client scripts. We will also provide code examples to demonstrate its practical implementation.

Understanding the fieldChanged Method:

The fieldChanged method is a key component of NetSuite’s client script API. It is triggered when a field on a form is modified by the user or programmatically. This method allows developers to define custom actions and behaviors based on the changes made to specific fields. By leveraging the fieldChanged method effectively, you can enhance the user experience, validate input, perform calculations, and automate various processes within NetSuite.


The fieldChanged method follows the syntax below:

function fieldChanged(scriptContext) {
  var currentRecord = scriptContext.currentRecord;
  var fieldId = scriptContext.fieldId;

    // Custom logic based on field changes


The scriptContext parameter is an object that provides contextual information about the current script execution. It contains properties like currentRecord (representing the current record being edited), fieldId (representing the ID of the field that triggered the change), and more, which can be used to perform specific actions based on the field change.

Usage Examples:

Example 1: Displaying a Custom Alert on Field Change:

In this example, whenever the field with ID ‘custentity_my_custom_field’ is modified, the script checks the field’s value. If it matches the condition ‘Important Value’, an alert dialog is displayed to grab the user’s attention.

function fieldChanged(scriptContext) {
  var currentRecord = scriptContext.currentRecord;
  var fieldId = scriptContext.fieldId;

  if (fieldId === 'custentity_my_custom_field') {
    var fieldValue = currentRecord.getValue({
      fieldId: 'custentity_my_custom_field'

    if (fieldValue === 'Important Value') {
        function success(result) { console.log('Success with value: ' + result)}
	function failure(reason) { console.log('Failure: ' + reason)}

           title: 'Important Value!',
           message: This is an important value'
        }).then(success).catch(failure);  }

Example 2: Automatic Calculation on Field Change:

In this scenario, whenever the fields ‘quantity’ or ‘rate’ are modified, the script retrieves the values of those fields and calculates the total by multiplying them. The calculated total is then set as the value for the ‘total’ field, providing an automatic update as the user modifies the input fields.

function fieldChanged(scriptContext) {
  var currentRecord = scriptContext.currentRecord;
  var fieldId = scriptContext.fieldId;

  if (fieldId === 'quantity' || fieldId === 'rate') {
    var quantity = currentRecord.getValue({
      fieldId: 'quantity'

    var rate = currentRecord.getValue({
      fieldId: 'rate'

    var total = quantity * rate;
      fieldId: 'total',
      value: total


The fieldChanged method in NetSuite client scripts serves as a valuable tool for enhancing user interactivity, performing validations, and automating processes. By leveraging this method, developers can customize the behavior of NetSuite forms based on field changes, thereby tailoring the ERP system to meet specific business requirements. Through the provided code examples, you can now begin exploring the capabilities of the fieldChanged method and further extend NetSuite’s functionality.

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