Reasons Why NetSuite’s Cloud-Based ERP System is the Ultimate Solution for Your Business

by | Jun 15, 2023 | New to NetSuite


Most companies in the market for a new accounting system know what is not working for them currently (if a system is in place at all), but not many know exactly what they will need or how much those attributes might cost. When evaluating Cloud-Based ERP (Enterprise Resource Management), companies should consider factors that may automatically tip the scale to NetSuite’s benefit.  


This post will provide items for consideration when evaluating NetSuite Cloud-Based ERP System, ranging from licensing options, unique functionality, and if customization will be needed. NetSuite is an exceptional tool that can scale in parallel with a growing business. 


NetSuite can be licensed in three different ways, which are listed below: 

  • Work with NetSuite’s direct sales and service teams 
  • Work with an affiliated accounting firm through NetSuite’s BPO program 
  • Work with a NetSuite Solutions Provider 

Each of the above-listed options has a unique approach to NetSuite implementation. The customers’ business needs and specific industries will provide valuable information about which option works best for them. 

Software Package:

When looking at the software packages offered by NetSuite Cloud-Based ERP System, it is important to consider how many licensed users will be needed, if an industry-specific module needs to be provisioned and configured, and if the CRM functionality will need to be included in addition to the ERP.

Number of Users:

User licenses fall into two categories: full user licenses and employee center licenses. Employee center licenses allow end users to have limited access to a NetSuite environment, while not consuming one of the provisioned licenses. Full-user licenses allow for the end user to fully leverage the power of NetSuite; however, this does consume one of the provisioned licenses.  

Additional Functionality:

If an additional module is needed for industry-specific functionality, it can be purchased and added when NetSuite is first being implemented or modules can be added as needed based on business necessity. Each of the thirty-plus modules available has unique features that may work great when first installed for some but may need to be customized to fit the business needs for others.

Total Cost:

The overall cost of NetSuite, when considering the variables outlined above, can vary dramatically. One company might have fifteen users with only the ERP base functionality while another might have over one thousand users working in a highly customized instance of NetSuite. It is important to consider the total cost of NetSuite, which would include the cost of the initial subscription, the cost associated with implementing and customizing, and the cost of additional modules.  


Overall, NetSuite is the pinnacle of Cloud-Based ERP Systems because it enables users to manage their Netsuite case management from end-to-end while gaining valuable insight throughout the cycle. However, to get the most out of NetSuite, it is imperative to understand all the costs that may be accrued while implementing the NetSuite instance that will benefit your business the most. 

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We are a NetSuite Solutions Partner and reseller with 30+ years of combined experience.  We specializein Netsuite serialized inventory, implementation, optimization, integration, rapid project recovery and rescue as well as custom development to meet any business need. If you would like more information on NetSuite or are in need of consultation for your project or implementation, feel free to contact us.

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